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How Happy is your Estate Agent?

Posted on Monday, October 2, 2017

A client came into our office last week.   She said one of things she loved about coming into our office is just how happy we all were.   She made reference to the happy atmosphere and the buzz of the office.   It got me thinking, can happiness actually help sell a house?  

I started to do some research.  Google returned some very interesting results.  Happiness can actually increase sales levels by as much as 37% and productivity by 31%.  A happy team really is essential.  Some people are naturally happy.   Happiness at work however stems from the top.   You need to have a happy culture in your workplace.  


 A true story

Last year I went away on a cruise around the Greek Islands   The places we stopped were truly beautiful.  However, the crew on the ship were miserable.  Not all of them, but certainly at least 25% of the people we met.  Some couldn’t even manage to make eye contact.   It wasn’t just me that noticed this.  Other passengers also commented.  I had an issue which ended up with me speaking with senior management.  Guess what?   He was also miserable.  Because of this,  I will never cruise with this company again.   Holidays really are about happiness!

This year however, I cruised with Celebrity.  What a difference.  Happy, engaged staff who couldn’t do enough for you.  They were smiling, laughing,  chatting and helping passengers.  It made a massive difference to the quality of the service and ultimately in how it made me us all feel.   Would I sail with them again?  Absolutely!

Think now about your own experiences.  Have you ever been to a coffee shop or restaurant and been served by a miserable person?   Would it make you want to go back?  However, if they were really happy and maybe offered you a cake to go on the side of your coffee,  could their positivity entice you to spend a little bit more?  



Selling Houses

So, how does this relate to selling houses?   Well, if happiness does increase sales it makes perfect sense to make sure you work with a happy estate agent.   They are easy to spot.   They are the ones which are smiling.  You’ll hear happiness and enthusiasm in their voice.  They’ll be motivated.  You’ll warm to them more.  Chances are, they’ll also be the ones which sell more houses……


If we can help you move or you’d just simply like to know what your home is worth, please get in touch.  Home consultations are free and I guarantee you 100% happiness when you chat with me!   My name is Michelle Gallagher.  You can call me on 01524 843322 or email at michelle@jdg.co.uk


Ps This is very true.  Would you agree?