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Feel Good Friday in Lancaster and Morecambe- Episode 6

Posted on Friday, March 12, 2021

Welcome to our cosy little corner of happiness for Week 5's Feel Good Friday! This week we have celebrated International Women's Day and witnessed exhausted parents up and down the country see their children return back to school after 8 weeks of homeschooling...phew!


Over in Morecambe

Despite the torrential rain on the day, Torrisholme Primary School displayed some wonderful handwritten welcome back banners for all school years which pupils saw on their way into school - what a lovely touch by the staff and critical worker classes! 


Lancaster's hero of the week

Another week and we hear of another local hero... This week we heard about Lancaster's Hazel Bishop who has done a fantastic job in clearing up Barley Cop Lane from Torrisholme Road towards the Crematorium.  This road is one of which stirs plenty of emotions for loved ones and had sadly been left in such a state from fly-tipping and general litter along this stretch of road.  After filling 6 bags full of rubbish the area is now looking superb.. well done and thank you, Hazel! 

Lancaster's Infection rate drops massively

Figures released this week currently see the Lancaster has an infection rate of 43.1 based on a rolling seven-day period up to March 5 - a drop from 115.7 for the previous seven days! Just 58 people tested positive for Corona Virus in the seven days leading up to March 9th. Keep up the amazing work everybody!


And overseas...

Before we head over the Atlantic to the USA...do you have your keys?  Wallet?  What about your Phone?  16-year-old American, Hunter Hoffman lost his iPhone whilst white water rafting in the British Columbia region.  8 months later Unbelievably the teen was reunited with his phone after a Patti Bacchus found it washed up in front of her Mayne Island home!  The phone still worked and after correctly guessing the pin code, Bacchus called the contact "Mom" and the rest is history! 


Back in the UK 

And Finally, some national news that made us chuckle here at JDG... UK high street footwear company Shoe Zone has appointed a new financial officer this week.  Terry BOOT has stepped in to replace Peter FOOT who recently walked away from the firm! 

Do you have any better feel-good Friday highlights?  Maybe you have an event celebration or story to share?  If so let me know at Graham@jdg.co.uk.  In the meantime enjoy your weekend, keep smiling and always remember -"Better Days are Coming" 

Thanks for reading! 

